Being Healthy as Simple as Possible

Akash Gupta
1 min readJul 1, 2021

Ours health must be our own responsibility. But we are loaded with too much information on fitness topic such that we do nothing eventually. I think we just need a healthy environment and a tidbit of focus.

Three essential constituents for a good health ?
Food, we consume daily make up around 70% of our health component. So we must take care off our diet. Avoiding junk foods is a huge plus.

Full body workouts habits contribute around 25% for a healthy body and mind. We just need to make 3–4 half hour workouts per week. In-house yoga, public gyms, swimming pools and sports hall are all a great fit for exercise activities. This will help us in gaining physical strength and stamina.

A good sleep is the final 5% constituent for a good health. So we just need to rest properly for replenishing our soul.

We just need hygienic food, yoga and a good sleep in balance for a healthy body and mind.

